Rome, 6 August – Coffee in Italy is a religion. It goes beyond a morning or mid afternoon pick me up. Standing at a bar and having your morning espresso or cappuccino is a quintessential part of Italian culture.
The common Italian greeting ‘prendiamo un caffe’ (lets grab a coffee) is now being undermined by the rising price of coffee both in Italy and internationally. In Milano, you can pay up to € 1.50 for an espresso. On our travels with our groups we have noticed even in our regular coffee bars there has been a considerable increase in prices where you can pay up to € 1 for a coffee. This may seem trivial as compared to what we pay in Australia or in other parts of the world, however, these price hikes are having a considerable impact on the coffee drinking behaviour of everyday Italians. Many have reduced their visits to the local bar for a coffee which has in turn affected coffee sales.
No matter what the costs, Vita Italian Tours will always take our travellers to enjoy the simple pleasures of ‘un espresso e una pasta’ (coffee and a sweet).