Rome, 14 May – Despite the economic crisis in Italy and over 35% unemployment, Italians do not want to become pizza makers, and consequently, there is a shortage of experienced ‘pizzaioli’ in Italy.
Pizza making is an Italian tradition usually requiring long hours of hard manual labour with low wages. The Italian business federation FIPE is concerned about the shortage of local skilled pizza makers as the demand for pizza is growing enormously despite the recession.
In order to fulfill the high demand for pizza being consumed by Italians, who consider a pizza a cheap lunch time meal, young immigrants are being trained to take on these artisan positions. Of the immigrants being trained, Egyptians are showing a great ability to master the skills and artistry in making high quality pizzas. In fact over 80% of Egyptians who go to work in Italy end up being pizza makers.
On some of our small group tours we give our travellers the opportunity to enjoy an authentic Italian style pizza made in the traditional way.